Friday, October 5, 2012

Gin Dreams

A day or two ago, I woke up with a start and sat straight up, my heart pounding in the darkness. Hanging from the ceiling were streamers and spiders, a swinging baby, an elephant's trunk. A door banged before I knew it was a dream and everything receded, the ceiling returned to a pale, cracked blue and I lay back down and closed my eyes.

This morning, I stood at my back door and looked at the silk floss tree flowers that litter the grass, their decaying pink melting into green. A bird flew by as if I were expecting it, a bird of prey lighting on the top of the trampoline, its yellow legs. I held my breath and got my phone to snap his picture, a buzz-saw in the background startled both of us in its insistence to cut through the silence, and he flew away.

I read today about tiny cherry tomatoes lined up in a serving dish, sitting in gin. Roll the tomatoes in the gin. Pick them up with a toothpick and roll them in sea salt. Drink a martini.


  1. I feel the meaning beneath your words. You and I are both going through something, I think.

  2. Hmmm, dreams and birds and martini tomatoes. Methinks fall is creeping into your bones.


  3. I don't even know what to say. Incredible.

    ( and I've written you so many times. in my head. xoox)

  4. I'm about to go have a martini (vodka, with a Tomolive (google that shit) and ponder the beauty that is you. The beauty you create here.

  5. I don't know! I just feel tension in your words like a taut string. Like magnetic pulls in opposing directions. It's normal for me, but I'm a Gemini. Your words are like the atmosphere before a tropical storm.

    1. oh, i love your last sentence there. the air, crackling with energy and uncertainty.

  6. I think drinking the martini might be the first step in that sequence of events! Seriously, that's some urban poetry right there. Beautiful.

  7. OK so at the risk of once again sounding like a wacko...I believe there are no coincidences in life, that dreams, and even wildlife are sent to us at different times in our lives to deliver important messages, or perhaps make us stop and reflect on what is happening in our lives at that particular moment. A bird of prey in LA is a little unusual, especially perched on a trampoline? Becoming mindfully aware of these "visits" and what they signify can help us on our journey of self discovery. OK now I know I am sounding like a wacko but if you visit this site about the spiritual significance of the hawk, you may find some relevance: Here is one for the spider too: And if this sounds like nothing but a bunch of hulla baloo, it is at the very least somewhat entertaining.

  8. Everyone I know, including myself, has been experiencing strange and vivid dreams lately. It is autumn, spirits are on the move.

    I have a pint of succulent cherry tomatoes sitting on my kitchen counter.

  9. Yes, what is up with all these vivid dreams of late? I thought it was just me and the percocet....

    The tomato thing sounds interesting....i love those tiny sugar sweet red things. and i love gin, so there you go.

    A few years ago I had a very vivid, life-changing dream, and when I woke up I went out to lounge in the morning sun, when I saw a hawk lazily gliding along the mountain. That was very significant. And now you've seen him, too. He sure gets around.

  10. dreams are amazing - I always feel sorry for people who say they don't dream

    tomatoes in gin sounds and sea salt really really good
