Monday, March 25, 2013

On Strike

The pile in the center of the room is clean laundry that I've officially refused to fold. All the rest is dirty. I've decided to go on strike until more gratitude flows my way and flowers are strewn at my feet. I imagine nothing but mushrooms sprouting in their piles.


  1. LOL, you're one day going to miss even this!

  2. I am secretely planning my "Big Escape"...want to join me?

  3. Years and years ago, my husband told me I wasn't doing the laundry on his schedule!! I have never washed his clothing since. I taught both boys to do their own laundry when they turned 12. Ah, laundry liberation!!


  4. Can't wait to see which of you crack first.

  5. I think there is nothing wrong with asking for/demanding a little appreciation.

  6. Be strong! Though I do Jude's laundry, I haven't done Jimmy's laundry for almost 15 years. For much the same reason that you stated. Mommy can't believe it, but interestingly, she doesn't blame me, she's sort of in awe of me.

  7. Good for you! The scary thing is, they might just pull the clean clothes out of that pile and wear them. Maybe when you stop washing they'll really take notice. :)

  8. Let's drink wine in the picket line, I will be there soon.

  9. I hope you fare well. I refused to fold my girls' laundry and it turns out they don't care. The youngest (a total tomboy) would just as soon wear wrinkled clothes that the dog laid around on as put on something she had to OPEN A DRAWER (!) to retrieve. The oldest simply drapes her piles of clothes over her desk chair where they remain relatively unwrinkled and, besides, she wears the same things every day, anyway.

    I often wonder whether the whole notion of folding laundry was a ploy in the first place. I know ironing was...

    But I digress. You deserve to be appreciated. Try refusing to drive to another damn sporting event and see how many roses are tossed your way!

  10. hmmm, that's sorta what my laundry room looks like when im NOT on strike. I don't think anyone would notice if I did.
    hope it works :)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. smiled greatly at this pic & description. reminded me of once throwing smelly, re-worn, dirty, tossed alongside clean, folded clothes out of a 2nd floor bedroom window onto the mature azalea shrubs in back yard (but in full view of side street & son arriving home). but I guess the grand effect only works if one lives in a more-than-one-story home, and it seems that you may not.
