Monday, March 25, 2013

Tying shoes and friendship

Yesterday, two of my dearest and oldest friends came over to our house to join me in a walk with Sophie. I brought her out of her room and put her in her stroller and then busied myself putting on my socks and shoes while we all chattered about one thing or another. I always feel slightly flustered getting Sophie ready to do anything when friends are around. I feel self-conscious, aware of all that I'm doing and need to do, even for something as simple as a walk. Our life is so profoundly different than that of most of my friends, different in a way that is impossible to articulate and probably only completely understandable if you live it. When J sat down in front of Sophie and put her shoes on, gently fitting her tiny feet into the sneakers and then lacing and tying them, I thought I would weep in gratitude, not for the task but for the doing. The giving. That's all it takes.


  1. Do you know how many of us would put Sophie's shoes on her feet? Do you know how many of us would put YOUR shoes on YOUR feet?
    I hope you do.

  2. i sort of welled up with emotion reading that last part, knowing exactly how that act feels. :)

  3. That's all it takes! ... and sometimes, even less than that...

  4. It is only completely understandable when you live it day in and day out. I suppose that is what draws me back here--the understanding.
    It is good you have your boys to bring you the typical life experiences even though the weight of it all may seem insurmountable at times. Yours is a full life.
    I agree with Phil--sometimes an act of kindness is all it takes to fill our hearts and renew us.

  5. Everyone needs friends like that. I am so glad you have those wonderful women in your life.

  6. It's always those little things, isn't it Elizabeth?

    And ditto what Mz Moon said.

    Much love to you...

  7. Again, Elizabeth, reaping what you sow every day.


  8. I am so moved by this.

    Thank you for sharing it.

  9. I have felt that feeling so many times but you, as usual, have articulated it perfectly. How wonderful that you and Sophie have friends who understand and care deeply. I would love to go on a walk with you and Sophie!

  10. They have seen your love, and seen that is how a princess of a queen is to be treated.

  11. You snuck in a "how we do it" post w/out labelling it... make sure you add it to the collection because its a good one!
