Sunday, May 5, 2013

How to cure the Sunday blues (with an update about a giveaway)

Self-portrait on a red wall

  1. Read about someone who was politically incorrect, like Dorothy Parker, who said, Tell him I was too f*&king busy, or vice versa. 
  2. Wish you could say that to someone but sort of happy that you can't.
  3. Do laundry, mounds and mounds of it, but don't fold The Brothers' socks. Let them fold them.
  4. Read another 30 pages of War and Peace and realize that it's getting good and you have more than 1000 pages to go.
  5. Get a reminder that this Tuesday is Sophie's 15th IEP at 8:00 in the morning. Seize the day, however blue it is, since there's not an IEP.
  6. Play Words with Friends throughout the morning with one of your best friends in the world who is also turning 51 years old tomorrow, but since he's in Germany, it's already his birthday. Happy Birthday, dear D.
  7. Plan to see a bunch of movies in the coming week since you haven't heard, yet, about The Job You Hope to Get.
  8. Organize all your paperwork so that tomorrow, Monday, you can go see a movie.
  9. Make Chocolate Digestive Biscuits from a recipe on one of your favorite cooking and reading blogs. ( and Yummybooks is having a terrific giveaway!)
  10. Remember that it's Mother's Day next Sunday and you haven't gotten something for your mother, so you have to get up and get out of the gloomy Sunday house and get on with it.

Reader, how do you cure the Sunday blues?


  1. It was a bluest of blue of Sundays for me so I planted a tree.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I escape to a bubble bath, and read blogs. But only the good ones.
    Peggy E

  4. I don't even try to escape them. If they arrive, I hold on until they are gone. If they don't, I just give thanks.
    You're mighty pretty.

  5. A beautiful self portrait: romantic and wild. And thank you for sending me over to Yummy Books! I love it! And I entered her contest for the traveling bar set.

    Sounds as if you have your strategies for dealing with the blues. We all get them, so best to have tools to dig yourself out, or at least be able to cope. Luckily, they pass. Nothing stays the same. Change is the only constant. (How many cliches do you wanna hear?)

  6. Sounds like a wonderful, busy Sunday!

  7. I used to have terrible sunday blues -- blues that would make me imagine that if we had a real yard my sunday blues would never appear as i could spend my time puttering in some imaginary graden space. But now I rarely have the sunday blues: because we now play in a recreational co-ed softabll league on sundays. And so there is little time for the blues when I am suiting up and putting in my mouth guard and preparing to lose yet another game. It is a strangely satisfying sunday pastime.

  8. Oliver has the most base hits!
    The ball will have to be shipped internationally to Canada!
    - Karen

  9. When I'm feelin low, I go wander around a couple thrift stores, or, weather permitting, I'll buy some potting soil and flowers and have at it. That's a very cute and carefree pic of you.

  10. I actually did have an uncharacteristic blue Sunday. Cried throughout church actually. Not sure why.

    Afterwards I shopped, and then cooked and them cleaned up from our Cinco de mayo gathering. Margarita's were my favorite part. Mark makes the best ones.

    I love this list. And I love that you are able to go out and buy your mom something for Mother's Day. Give it with a little extra love form me. I will miss that this year.

  11. Sundays didn't used to bother me, when we lived in the city and everywhere was actually open on Sundays and it was usually sunny and we just had a second Saturday. Now on Sundays I often think about one of your boys comments--I think it was Oliver--about wishing it would hurry up and slow down both at once, or something along those lines. I put the girls to sleep and find the internet.

  12. i only have sunday blues when i realize that sunday used to be a day to sleep in and take it easy, and now because of The Brothers (we too have them:)) tennis it's just another early start!

  13. skipped church, ate lunch out, got an iphone, copped out and made cream of wheat for the family's dinner, started Cheryl Strayed's "Wild" and drank a very large glass of pinot. :)

  14. i take a walk. (and you are quite beautiful)

  15. Beautiful picture of you :)
    I always take a nap on sunday
