Monday, June 10, 2013

Disability and Surfing

There's been a lot written lately in the disability world about "disability porn," -- the kind of stuff that those who are not so acquainted with disability are inspired by but those in the disability world often find denigrating at worst and condescending at best -- sentimental and perpetuating the separation between those who have and those who have not.  I was clicking through my blog-roll this afternoon, though, and loved this video posted on The Improvised Life. I didn't find it "inspirational" in the least, but, rather, yearned to be velcro'ed myself onto someone's back so that I could finally, finally go surfing. And don't you be going why don't you just go out to the Pacific at your back door with a board and do it? I'm busy right now, reading War and Peace, you know?


  1. My son in-law is going to teach me to surf. Determined to at least be standing by the time I hit 50 next year. We shall see. Should be interesting.

    Wanna learn with me?

  2. my, that looks strenuous! hard enough to surf, but with a person on your back, messing up your center of gravity and everything? Wow. The young and the fit. Doncha just hate them?

  3. Oh my word! That is something I would never have imagined. I love that you want to surf. You should take a few lessons. See how it goes. After, you know, you finish War and Peace.

  4. Yet another use for duct tape.

  5. Be willing to go for it if that is something you really want to try. By putting your desire out into the world, you stand a better chance of finding the right teacher or opportunity. I just saw an interesting documentary called Charlie Don't Surf about a couple of organizations that bring disabled kids the opportunity to surf in Costa Rica. I'm thinking you and the kids could have a wonderful time...

  6. Call me naughty but the idea of being velcroed to a man's back just sounds damn interesting...don't really want the surf board in the way. ;)

  7. I am inspired by her ability to not be in control, to put her trust in that young man so completely. As I watched the video I put myself in her place and felt a twinge of panic when he fell under the waves, the waves splashing over their heads. I suppose that says something about me. I don't even like to be behind my husband on a tandem bike.

  8. I don't think the dude could stay up if one was seizing on his back.

    1. Good point, Helmet Girl! And I'd add, YIKES.

  9. I'm with Noan - the courage of them both is astonishing!

    As to your comment on my last post, I completely agree that the gratuitous pursuit of "happiness" and positivity is over-rated. In this instance, I was amazed that my friend had the perspective she did. I would never have connected the two (negative conversation and subsequent positive occurrence) like she did. It was the fact that she had primed her mind to recognize the situation as such that made me wonder if I have been missing positive moments right under my nose all this time. Of course, her predisposal to this point of view deprives her of a lot of sarcastic, dark humor and observations and I'm certain I would miss those in my life so maybe I won't lean too far in her direction....
