Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I'm on the phone

There'll be scant blogging on a moon, worn as if it had been a shell over the next few days. I'm sitting at my desk, on very long conference calls, doing some bizness for the government. And, no, I'm not wire-tapping or eavesdropping or figuring out how to be a whistle-blower and gain sanctuary in Russia. I am in my pajamas, drinking coffee and trying to concentrate on Some Very Important Initiatives. During my down times, I might post some poetry, so please come back.


  1. The pajamas and coffee part sounds divine. Endless conference calls, not so much. I hope you find time for some poetry for yourself ;-)

  2. Don't worry. We'll come back.

  3. I hope you have a Rubik's Cube or something to keep you busy during those conference calls! :)
