Thursday, July 25, 2013

Camp Pop Pop and Grandma

Henry and Oliver have spent the last two weeks with my parents in Georgia, and given that my parents are in their mid and late seventies, I'm sort of in awe with what they've done with them there. They've gone white water rafting, back and forth to Hilton Head in South Carolina, and to Six Flags Over Georgia -- my father has joined them in the raft, on the roller-coasters, out in the boat -- you name it, he's done it. My mother isn't as agile as she used to be but I'm certain has loved them to death. I am proud of my boys and grateful to my parents for what they've given them.

Here are some photos of their weeks away:

Oliver evidently cooked Henry's birthday meal -- steak tacos and all the fixings. My father sent me this photo with the caption: He is really unbelievable.

That's my niece Mary, Henry, Oliver and my mother around the table for Henry's birthday dinner party.

That's Henry blowing out the candles of his chocolate layer cake, my mother's birthday specialty.

And here are the whitewater rafting photos -- my father is sitting directly behind Henry who is at the front of the boat -- pretty spectacular, right?


  1. So SO SOOOO impressed with your both your parents, especially your dad! You do have the most amazing boys; through word and deed you have clearly inspired their remarkable characters!

  2. That really looks like a great vacation!

  3. Wonderful white water! Is that the French Broad?


  4. So awesome! These are the best kinds of memories! Your parents are wonderful!!!!

  5. And Oliver cooked the whole birthday meal? He looks so capable and impressive!! But look who his parents are!

  6. Oh Elizabeth- these pictures are so wonderful! What an amazing summer for them. I'm in awe of your dad.

  7. I can't even imagine having parents that active! Super wonderful that your boys had that special time, AND adventure with your parents, truly, priceless!

  8. Holy Cow! I can't believe your father went white-water rafting with the kids - that's awesome! I see where you get some of your spirit. And your Mom's signature cake...yummm.

    It's a wonderful gift for your parents & your boys (& cousins) to have this time together.
    I love seeing Oliver preparing that meal - what a great birthday present. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, eh? (I know it's a cliche, but there's a reason for that.)

  9. Oliver just shines love, doesn't he? He looks like an old soul.

    And white water rafting in his 70's! Awesome!

  10. Good for your parents! That's amazing! My parents are in their mid- to late 70s and I can barely get them to leave the house. But your kids will remember this trip forever, and I suppose your parents know that.

  11. 1. Your parents make me tired.
    2. My father was a white water guide and we went on several trips not a bunch of people but just my father his friend Tom and me. We shot the Rouge River The Owyhee River (a tributary of The Snake River) and The White Salmon River. Oh lord these photos make me miss him so much. And I love the luminosity of the birthday cake photo. Happy Birthday to Henry another fierce Leo.

  12. I love all the paddles up in the air! We recently went rafting and the guide kept barking at us to "keep paddling when we hit the rapids, people!" Such joy on their faces!

    I love that Oliver cooked his brother's birthday dinner. Such love there, all over the place!

  13. My mom and her siblings used to call my grammy & grandpa's house "Camp Mildred", where specifically my one uncle would send his sons at least once a year for 1-2 weeks on their own, to bond with their grandparents and, you know, learn all those grammy-induced manners.
