Thursday, July 25, 2013

Happy 15th Birthday, Henry!

July, 1999

It's hard to believe that that little munchkin has grown into -- truly -- one of the most beautiful young men in body and mind that anyone will ever meet, but it's true.

Henry is on the east coast with my parents, so for the first time in fifteen years, I don't get to give him a hug and a kiss on his birthday. Last night, though, I sent him a message at the exact moment he was born to us.


  1. Oh, Elizabeth- how can it be? Fifteen? He is becoming a man. This is one of the most surprising things, I think, as a parent- how our babies become somehow replaced by adults. I often wonder "who came and took my babies and put these people in their places?" Which is silly. Because I've been here every moment, watching the changes occur. And truly, adult children are a joy which we can't even imagine until it happens.
    He is a wonder, that boy. He is a beautiful son. I wish you both happiness today and I know it's a sadness that you can't hug him and look directly into those eyes but it'll be okay.
    Love and kisses...M

  2. Happy birthday to your wonderful, handsome boy, who is becoming such a fine man. Good work, Mama!

  3. Happy Birthday to you and Henry! What a gorgeous baby he was and what a gorgeous young man he has become. It really is a wonder.

  4. Oh Henry! Happy son's birthday, Mom :) x0 N2

  5. Happy Birthday to your wonderful son and to you!!


  6. happy birth day, to the one who birthed that gorgeous young man--and to him, too!

  7. He truly is beautiful in every way. God love ya for staying up to text him at that exact moment. Super sweet.

  8. I wish you all a happy day and I hope Henry has many more happy birthdays.

  9. Elizabeth, you're the mother of a man now. I know this because his expression in the photo above is saying, "I'm a man, dammit!" Happy day to both of you.

  10. What a beautiful baby - he is indeed growing into a beautiful young man - such a blessing!

  11. Happy, happy day to you both! I can't imagine being away from my kiddos on their birthdays, but I know it's inevitable one day. I hope he is being spoiled rotten by his grandparents and comes home exhausted and grateful and missing you.
