Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Mystery of Boys

The Dyslexic Entrepreneur has been sitting outside in the baking hot sun, selling lemonade and chocolate chip cookies since 10:00 this morning.  He decided against selling cotton candy today, as there were still things to work out. The last time I ventured to the corner to check on things, he had made upwards of $100. I'm not kidding you. While part of the proceeds will go to the Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Los Angeles, Oliver is also intent on saving enough money for an off-road go-kart.


Henry, on the other hand, slept until noon, woke and ate pancakes, made a few forays to get himself a couple of lemonades, did some homework, and I just walked into his bedroom where he was swinging a bat, practicing. When I expressed alarm at how close he was swinging to the window behind him, he condescendingly told me that when you swing a bat, Mom, it's not BEHIND you. 

These boys mystify me.


  1. I think the charm of a child running a lemonade stand is partly responsible for its success. I have a sneaking suspicion that if I tried selling lemonade, people might throw things at me as they speed by.

  2. I was astounded to read that Oliver had made enough money to buy a cotton candy maker. I mean...that must be some damn fine lemonade.

  3. I love that photo. It's so quintessentially boy.

  4. Your boys remind me of my own two, one to whom things like school came fairly easily, the other who struggled more but also developed an deep ability to persevere as a result. They each have their unique charm.

  5. You know that the Dyslexic Entrepreneur will end up hiring the Teenager to come work for him someday, right?

  6. Those boys! Thanks for sharing them with us, Elizabeth. x0 N2

  7. One of them makes some mighty fine lemonade, top tier of all time! Great to meet you Elizabeth. Anon Suz

  8. it's all about perspective, isn't it. xoxoxoxo

  9. Hope and condescension. Life with children.

  10. My most excellent semi-dyslexic kid built her own go-cart out of recycled materials! And raced it! This was years ago, but she take it out every year on block party day and...sells lemonade out of it. Note bad-assed racer of 2010 on the far left. Very ferocious.

  11. LOL -- I can hear my own mom's voice: "NOT in the HOUSE!"

  12. this make me smile.
    both your boys have brilliant life strategies.

  13. They are a mystery to me, as well.

  14. I will take what Henry said as a metaphor for life
