Friday, March 21, 2014

Padded Walls and Cupcakes

This happened:

Remember the foam that my father bought and intended to use for Sophie's walls last Thanksgiving? Please. Read about it again and then come back.

Well, looky look!

There's beautiful upholstered padding all around the room so Sophie's falls and head bangs will be a thing of the past. (Unless, of course, she goes for that nice thin strip of window frame.) Thanks, Mom and Dad! There's even padding on the sills, and over the next few days I'm going to slowly get rid of all the crap we've been using to shield her from injury.

To tell you the truth, I could use some padded walls.

This is happening right now:

Eight dozen cupcakes and one birthday cake for one of my best friend's sons' bar mitzvah tomorrow. I'll post photos when they're all frosted.

What's happening in your parts? (not pants)***

***One of my readers read that question once as "what's happening in your pants?" and I just love that 'cause, you know, I'm Virgo the Virgin.


  1. Not much going on in parts or pants...probably for the best.

  2. How do you frost them so perfectly and what kind of frosting? Are you a dipper froster? I have lots of questions. I love creamcheese buttercream to death. But it always seems a little think so I have to use a knife to put it on my delicate cupcakes. Thank you.

  3. Chaos is happening here. Pretty much. I could use a straight jacket and a little Dixie cup of little pills.

    Sophie's room looks beautiful.

    As do the cupcakes. Which I could use a dozen or so myself.

  4. Anger and Rolling Stones happening here. And joy, as well.And oh yeah- laundry.

  5. The room looks beautiful. I love the lavender and mermaids everywhere. Here we are enjoying some glorious sunshine here and preparing for Bubba's birthday weekend. The girls are gaga for Divergent and begging me to take them but the thought of sitting in a dark theater when it's sunny outside gives me hives.

  6. I love the room and all it's sweet order. And those cupcakes! Happy dance. Enjoy the weekend! Virgo too. xo S

  7. Sophie's room looks so pretty, I love the bedding. I wish I could have one of those cupcakes right now! And "what's happening in your pants" made me giggle. That IS pretty funny!

  8. Looks sooo pretty. What great parents you have!!

  9. Sophie's room is SO pretty! Funny, my CB's room is that same shade of lavender!!

  10. Lounging is happening here. A day full of visiting - of crossing off the relatives I must visit and then of relaxing, happy to have crossed them all off but happy too for the actual visits. Pants have been pretty uneventful per usual.

    Sophie's room looks great.

  11. That padding actually looks pretty cozy!

  12. Her room looks cozy and inviting - I'd like to curl up with a good book or for a nap in a place like that. How thoughtful of your parents, to provide for this. The colors are bright and restful at the same time.
    Your baked goods are YUMMY-looking. Those party-goers are very lucky to have you making their treats! (Maybe after you deliver them, you can make time for a nap in Sophie's room).

    In these parts, there were be tax-preparation, and avoidance of tax-prep. There will be a beach hike (= avoidance of tax prep). There will be errand-running, and there will be March Madness (ZAGS vs. AZ on Sunday)!

    1. *will be (I should not type before 1 full cup of coffee has been consumed)

  13. Sophie's room looks peaceful and lovely. I hope the need for padded walls is less intense today. Much love.

  14. I tried leaving a comment yesterday but my internet connection keeps crapping out on me. Bah!

    Her room looks lovely. I am a fan of purple.

    And here? Just freezing our collective asses off. What happened to spring?
