Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Speaking with your hands

My Italian grandmother (standing) with her sister in Mendocino

My kids make fun of me for many things -- lately it's the "mom selfie" which entails a certain angle that curtails the double chin effect, and they always mock how I use my hands when I talk. My father, whose family is from the Calabrian region of southern Italy sent me the following video with the suggestion I start teaching Italian hand-speak to Oliver as a homeschool option. Here were his exact words: To ensure Oliver's retention of his Italian heritage while being home schooled you might include this as part of his curriculum.  I will test him myself. Last night, I posted my thoughts about the CNN documentary on both Facebook and here and got an overwhelming response which included a heated argument about me expressing the tiniest bit of sympathy for the insufferable Governor Christie and the way the media edits and shapes a debate, so today I admit to feeling a lassitude that calls for something light. Picture me without a double chin, using my hands to say all that.




  1. My own dear HT couldn't utter a word if his hands were tied. 1/2 Italian. It's endearing.

  2. So fabulous! And a trip to Italy would be required, right?

  3. That's so great! Mr. Moon, who is definitely NOT Italian (that I know of) cracks me up by using his hands when he talks on the phone. I probably do it too. But this- this takes it to whole 'nother realm. I see you as the little girl, to be quite frank.

  4. I specialize in the mom selfie, too.

  5. Another thing we share. I am a HUGE hand talker. I have been asked on occasion, if I were Italian. I wish.

  6. We are planning a family trip to Italy with Jordon's parents and brother this summer. I thought this book was funny as a Christmas gift. I will be forwarding them your youtube clip.

  7. Oh my, how utterly charming this little girl is!

  8. I really want to know what they are talking about. And have you seen the one floating around the internet of the ittle boy trying to talk his mother into cupcakes for dinner?

  9. My husband is always quoting (probably not quite exactly) a Lori Moore story on this: "There are people who talk, people who talk with their hands, and people who talk with their hands over their heads. These are my favorite kinds of people."

  10. That video is priceless. I'm not only a hand talker I'm a hand listener sometimes knocking lamps off of tables in my exuberance.

  11. A pox on anyone that can't abide benevolent feelings towards another flawed human being.

  12. I LOVE this video - wish I could understand what they were saying! Thanks to you and your Dad for sharing it!

  13. I loved this video and wish I knew what they were saying! Thanks for sharing, and making me smile this morning. I fb friend requested you, because you can never have too many people in your corner :)
