Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Free Cannabis Treatment for a Year

I'm really not kidding you. The wonderful people making the documentary The Green Standard, whom I've already told you about, have added a perk to their current indigogo campaign. Here's what they say about it:

Anyone who contributes to The Green Standard’s campaign is eligible to nominate themselves or a friend or family member in-need to receive up to a year of CBD treatments for FREE.  We are very excited to  be launching this first-of-its-kind giveaway, and we will be selecting a winner whether or not we reach our documentary’s funding goal by the October 10th deadline.

Pretty wonderful, right? Go to the campaign to get the details. And watch the trailer. 

***Oh, and don't nominate me. I'm not receiving anything in return for helping these guys to make this promising documentary, but I absolutely do not want to be in the running for this. The universe has been abundant for me and for Sophie with Charlotte's Web. Let the abundance be shared!


  1. I want to support them and would like to nominate Sophie but I don't know her last name...if I put your name, do you think that will work?

  2. Wow, that's awesome! Too bad I live in Pennsyl-tucky, which is still stalling on the most basic medical marijuana legislation :(.

    I will donate nonetheless!

  3. Sheila -- Thanks for your kindness, but scroll down to see the rest of the post!
