Thursday, September 4, 2014

My New Anonymous Comment Policy***

Be groovy or leave, man.

Bob Dylan

***Some of you comment anonymously for really good reasons, and that's fine. Or should I say groovy. Some of you comment anonymously and leave your names in the content of the comment. That's even groovier. It's easier to talk to people who name themselves. Some of you comment anonymously and completely disagree or dislike something that I've written. That's groovy. Some of you comment anonymously and completely disagree or dislike something that I've written, believe you know me and leave very personal, critical remarks about me or my family. That's not groovy. Leave, man.


  1. Trolls have morphed. They used to live in fairy tales, under bridges.
    Back when things were groovy.

  2. Yeah, baby - this is YOUR blog. You make the rules!

  3. The photo is the icing on the cake. It's good to take a stand. I can tell you've been thinking a lot about all those shitty things someone said to you, which was NOT groovy. I'm glad you said this. You will be at peace now.

  4. Like totally. And, as my kids say, "kick rocks" if you don't like it.

  5. Bravo!

    Your Anonymous commenter.

  6. Thanks for the memories! Very groovy.


  7. Awesome. Perfectly well said and so glad to hear it.

    I think this may be my first comment after years of reading.


  8. Since I don't have any of the below IDs I HAVE to comment anonymously. But I'm always happy to leave my name!

  9. Who is leaving such UNgroovy stuff!! Do you want me to take care of them? I can do that... I know a guy. I am, after all, in Joisey... ;)

  10. My ipod has not been letting me comment at all! I read your posts there then come here (my laptop) and comment. :-)
