Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thrilled and Honored

I'm over the top grateful for this recognition. Honestly, it seems ridiculous to give me a reward when Heather McHugh and the beautiful people who run and support Caregifted do what they do. If you don't know anything about these angels on earth, you can catch up here. 

Now I'm going to flip through my photos from my week in Victoria and meditate on them. The beautiful thing about that week of respite is how it still sustains me. I think it's the affirmation of possibility of rest, if that makes sense. If you're a caregiver and believe that you'll never feel whole again, or rested or even sane, trust me that it's possible.


  1. You deserve it! My Lord but you do.

  2. Deserving, indeed! And it is good to know that you are still sustained by that respite.


  3. Congrats! Well deserved.

  4. Oh, that's lovely, E. Glad to hear that your trip still sustains you. I have to bend my dad's arm to get him to go away and leave me with mom. He always comes back fresh and happy but then forgets this as time rolls on.

  5. Congratulations on winning the well-deserved Caregifted Blog of the Week Award. Hoping you continue to enlighten and entertain us in your unique way,
