Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Our Girl

Sophie took a bit of a walk this afternoon with Carmen, a sight for my sore eyes. She's a hardy one, that Sophalofa. Less so her mother who lay on her back on a bed most of the day, newly traumatized. I'm getting too old for this shit, to tell you the truth.Two glasses of wine a few hours later, some grilled bread with burrata, an artichoke with aioli, a few mussels and some french fries, some catching up with my friend D and I'm back on the bed, ready for sleep, the fresh trauma burned away.


  1. At least you know how to eat your way through trauma in a most delicious way!


  2. Bed does sound like a good place to be right now. Tomorrow is a new day. Ms Sophie looks wonderful.

  3. She is a wonder, that girl.
    So are you.

  4. Sophie's ok. It's not your fault Sophie can't tell you what's wrong. Sending hugs.

  5. Maybe it's good that Sophie got some sun and you got some rest and delicious sounding food. Though I'm sorry for the trauma that came first.

  6. Sometimes I live for the reminder that fresh trauma can be burned away (or melted away or eaten and drunk away). No matter how many times that notion is reinforced for me, it still has to make its way through the wounded fog for me to remember it. Love and light always surrounding you, my dear.

  7. You have prescribed all the right things. Here's some love to go with it. Take it every hour.

  8. Witnessing. Breathing with you, and witnessing.
