Tuesday, October 28, 2014

When only cliches will do

So, I know why Sophie has been so agitated lately, moaning and flinging herself around. She's been in severe pain. After ten hours in the ER yesterday, x-rays, CAT scans, blood draws, urinalysis, morphine, Ativan and much poking and prodding with the suspicion that she had a bowel obstruction, they determined that she had impacted stool. My good friend Moye sat with me for hours in the ER which kept me on my best behavior. Best behavior for me means a tired resigned air when the lab "lost" the blood tubes and they had to come in for more sticks. It means I only gently corrected them from administering a bolus of Benadryl to "calm her down" because Sophie has a paradoxical reaction to Benadryl. I'm devastated that Sophie's been so uncomfortable for so many days, maybe even weeks, but I'm strengthened by the confirmation of my instincts. I just knew something was wrong. It was an exhausting day and night, to say the least, but the nurses and physician assistant were remarkably kind and competent. Today, it's all Magnesium Citrate and enemas. The shit, literally, has hit the fan.


  1. Oy! Thank goodness for friends who will sit with you and for Magnesium Citrate! Hope she is feeling much better soon and that there is a magnificent cocktail waiting for you at the end of the day ;-).

  2. I'm so sorry. I hope Sophie is feeling better. You are an amazing mother.

  3. Yes, mother knows best! Poor Sophie. I hope she, and you, finds relief very soon.


  4. i can't imagine that there is anything that sophie feels that you don't feel, you are so hard-wired to her. you both need rest, reprieve--and maybe a massage for you?

  5. I'm so sorry for Sophie's pain and your frustration. But I'm glad the mystery is finally solved. A good reminder to always listen to our instincts. Especially mothers.

  6. Times like these only a bless your heart will do. Times two. xoxox

  7. So sorry for Sophie's pain and your pain at her discomfort. Hope she is feeling better really soon.

  8. Glad they found the problem and are working toward a solution. Good call, Mom. x0 N2

  9. Thank god for Moye. The thought of you alone in the ER with Sophie was too much for me to bear.
    And hey- better the shit hit the fan than not getting out. Okay, not exactly what I meant but in some literal way, true for Sophie. Bless her dear, dear heart. And yours, too. Always.

  10. I was wondering about what was going on with her. I'm glad you've found out and it is correctable. I worry about this with Miss Katie as well. And because I can't resist, "Shit Happens!"

  11. I am so glad you figured out what was bothering her. We're usually up to our elbows in poop over here. But, the alternative is long ER stays and surgeries for Max. So good you caught it before she needed surgical help. I hope she's feeling much better soon.

  12. Mon Dieu! I forgot about impacted bms when I commented yesterday about possible causes, such as painful spike activity. my son had a wonderful child psychologist who helped explain post operative behavior and development of anxiety (he was ready to be back in the world but appropriate school and socialization nonexistent and anxiety developed.) the psychologist told me when children and teens are stressed 'all children try to control what they think they can and not going to the bathroom to the point of being impacted is common" a steady dose of miralax helps many people, esp. those on any anti-seizure meds. I'm commenting here if it helps anyone else. id still like to hear about benefits of mayonnaise in terms of helping appetite perhaps? so glad you had a friend with you during the ER marathon. Sophie is brave.

  13. a mom's intuition is almost never wrong. Bless you all.

  14. Oh, Elizabeth! OH! OH! OH! What an enormous relief to know and have it cared for, but oh what you have both been through. I am so sorry. High praise for your intuition, though. How I wish someone could be on stand-by to give you and Sophie hugs every five minutes of every single day. A Professional Hugger, or maybe all of us, flying in and out and taking our turn. If only such a thing were possible. Love to you. Love and more love, and then some.

  15. Kudos for suspecting trouble where it was unapparent even to the doctors. Sophie does look terrific now. These chronically, terribly ill children of ours often exhibit amazing resilience. Reminds me of how my C. springs to her feet seconds after a colossal seizure has downed her during our walking exercises.

  16. Oh, god. So sorry to hear it. Poor girl. Hooray for your gut instincts. Rest.

  17. TEN HOURS in the ER? Ohmygoodness. I am sending tons of love and tenderness to you. How traumatic for both of you. I am so very sorry for the discomfort and trouble you've all been through! I hope that things will - shall we say - flow freely and easily from here on out. Ten hours. Aiiieeee.
