Friday, April 3, 2015

I Heart California

I drove up to Los Altos in Silicon Valley from Los Angeles on Monday and back down on Thursday. Once you hit the 5 North, there's not much until you get off and drive through Gilroy which is pretty fantastic. We stopped for gas somewhere along the 5, though, and caught these Indian folks just sitting, chatting and eating outside of an ugly old strip mall. While Oliver pumped gas into my car, I took this surreptitious photo. Oliver does a wicked Indian/British accent -- he's truly a remarkable mimic -- and cracked me up.

I'm tired out, ya'll, and plumb out of words.

I do love California, though, parched and brown and sere as it is.


  1. The photos, the landscape, are beautiful. Lovely shot of you and Oliver.

  2. And I can see why! These photos remind me of a song by Kate Wolf, who sang a lot about California and who you would LOVE if you don't know her already:

    Here in California
    Fruit hangs heavy on the vine
    But there's no gold
    I thought I'd warn you
    And the hills turn brown in the summertime

  3. You and Oliver- such good buds. California is a bit like Florida, I think, in that there is so much more to it than people imagine.

  4. You and your boy. It's beautiful.

  5. You've got a buddy in Oliver that is for sure. Sitting here, it sure seems that he's blossomed in the last couple of years. Spending time with you and doing the revolutionary homeschooling is doing him good.

  6. I love me a good road trip. Looks like good company.

  7. I love me a good road trip. Looks like good company.

  8. It's always nice to have entertainment for your travels!


  9. I'm sorry that the road trip had to happen, but I'm so pleased that Oliver made it with you and that you turned it into an adventure. Lola does a terrific East Indian accent, too - I think it was all those years of Montessori school with teachers' aides and their kids from India. I always wonder if it isn't a little bit offensive that I love it so much and ask her to do it all the time, but she revels in it and has even developed some pretty good Bollywood dance moves to go with it.

    The pictures are extraordinary. Glad you're home safe and sound. Love to you all.

  10. That looks a lot like Eastern Oregon. Rolling hills and wheat fields and lots of sunshine. Only it would be so much better out there as the winters here can make it seem quite desolate.

    I want to move to California.....! You should be on the Board of Tourist Travel, or whatever they call it, as you certainly can sell that place and it isn't a hard sell, is it?

    Thanks for sun from Calif. this morning as it is gray and drizzly here. Oh, and if you ever want to record that Indian/British accent of Oscar's, it would be a delight to hear. Although he probably wouldn't consent to it - well, there is a bit of the showman in him though - great boy!

  11. I had always seen California parched and brown, and then one year I saw it in bloom and I was shocked at all the color on the hills. I guess the flowers aren't blooming this year because of the drought. Beautiful pictures. Especially the last one.

  12. I love it here too. You and Oliver look awesome together!

  13. I love it. Grew up driving (riding) back and forth from LA to a bit south of Fresno to our grandparents' farm, the cotton fields, alfalfa, Giant Orange drink stands. It makes me happy that you see it and feel it, too. What a fine gentleman of the road with whom to travel. xo

  14. So lovely and serene, such beautiful photos.
