Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Big O Gets a Checking Account, a Debit Card and a Name Change

Kids don't learn cursive anymore, and if they do, they forget it when they don't use it. Yes, I know some of you think the loss of mandatory instruction in cursive ranks up there with the other downfalls of modern civilization and depravity, but I honestly could give a flying foo foo. When prompted to sign his name, Oliver had a moment of panic and then with painstaking effort and concentration did so. He lay the pen down and told me how much he hates how long his last name is and what a pain it is to write it out. That's why I'm changing my name when I get old enough, he reminded me. Oh, yeah, I said, What are you changing it to again?

Luck, Oliver replied, Oliver Luck! Doesn't that sound dope?

Reader, I believe he will change his name when he's old enough to do so, and when you see it printed everywhere you'll remember this tiny little blog post, sprung from my tiny little mother mind.™


  1. First of all- I LOVE THAT NEW HEADER! Gorgeous!
    Secondly- I love Oliver. Oliver Luck. Has a certain ring about it, doesn't it?

    1. It does a certain ring to it, and the header painting was sent to me by a reader. I credited the painter on my sidebar. I hope he doesn't mind my using it!

  2. That. Is. Brilliant. O. Luck, you are good.

  3. Oliver Luck! I will surely remember this day, and this post, when I am casting my ballot for Oliver Luck or puffing my chest out with pride because I knew him when, as in now, when he is writing his destiny so brilliantly. Oh Elizabeth, you're doing such good things with this child. And he with you.

    And that new header is stunning.

  4. Love it! And love the mermaid's facial expression above.

  5. My oldest son (he's 27 and just finishing a PhD) always just signs everything with an X. No one has ever challenged him on that.

  6. Oliver Luck-sounds fan-freaking-tastic

    He is funny and brilliant and I just know I'll see his name in print sometime in the future.

    P.S. Tiny little mother minds are in the very same category

  7. Lol, chuckling up here in the NW. Brilliant name, just brilliant.

    And stunning art-damn.

    XXX Beth

    1. Damn is right on the art. The artist credit is on my sidebar. I hope he doesn't mind that I've posted his painting!

  8. He is one of the best crackups I know.
    I actually find it annoying that kids don't know how to write cursive. But whatevs.

  9. I'm all over it. I've never written cursive a day in my life, and my father is still rolling in his grave. Oliver Luck. Love it, and everything about it.

  10. It sounds like he is destined to work in Hollywood. :)

  11. I agree. Oliver Luck is very dope.
    And so is the new header!

  12. Oliver is going places, no matter his name. (But Luck is totally dope.) Indy is changing her name to Jean Louise. Or her middle name to Jones. She isn't entirely sure yet.

    1. Ask Indy if she'd like Luck as her last name (hyphenated with her current last name, of course). Are arranged marriages allowed in this day and age?
