Wednesday, February 10, 2016

You thought we would never change

I didn't know what kind of photo would be a good lead-in to a post that includes my selection of country to live in should That Businessman Who Won the New Hampshire Primary go on and win the presidency, but yesterday as Oliver and I drove around the big shitty, we looked up and noticed this example of graffiti at its finest. Do ya'll have these McDonald's billboards everywhere in your little or big shitties that declare some big change that's coming? Evidently, McDonald's is about to change, and we sure don't know in what way. Are they going to be paying their workers as much as their executives? Are they going to use only organic, grass-fed beef? Are they going vegan? Are they swearing off sugar sodas? Are they going to stop exploiting third world countries? Are they going to work in earnest to reverse the travesty that is the American diet and food/agriculture system?

In any case, the graffiti artist known as Thrasher (according to one of my dear friends, this person unfortunately defaced her property several months ago) has answered the question quite well.


As I type this, I realize just how perfect that photo is -- you know -- the McDonald's, The Donald, etc.  for this post. Sweet Jesus, I wish we could just all text each other laughing emojis and text JKs and LOLs after yesterday's primary in New Hampshire.*

Remember back in the good old days of Romney/Obama when folks of a certain political persuasion kept whining how they wanted their country back?

Yikes. I know how they feel.

Mary Moon at Bless Our Hearts suggested we all start thinking about what country we might want to live in should That Businessman win, emphasizing that Mexico would work because of that wall that The Businessman would erect that would not only keep the Mexicans out but would also serve to keep those Americans that voted for The Businessman away from us as well. Hmmmm. Mexico? I'm still hankering for a trip to Bora Bora, to tell you the truth.  I imagine I could still work My New Job from such a remote location, and Sophie would love living in a little hut over the ocean. I do love this country, but I can't say that I love the people in it that would vote in a primary for such a hateful, ugly fool. There. I said it.


Now I'm going to do a little research and see if McDonald's has conquered Bora Bora, yet. If not, you'll know where to find me.

*I'm talking about the results of the Republican primary, of course. If you're a new reader, you should be aware that this is a COMMUNIST site. As for the Democratic primary, I'm not ready to commit but am leaning toward the one whose name rhymes with Flanders.


  1. There is some demented and dark part of me that wants to see what happens with Trump in the White House.

  2. Bite your tongue. He couldn't possibly!
    Though my husband thinks it could happen & he accurately guessed all the babies sexes so I might end up in Bora Bora with you.

    1. It'll be fun. We'll just live in sarongs and bikini tops.

  3. Still own my condo in Canada. Just sayin'.

  4. It's...unbelievable. I'm leaning way towards the man whose name rhymes with Flanders myself.
    Balance. It's all about balance.

  5. Trump winning scares the shit outta me.

  6. Trump winning is scary but do we really think he'd actually govern? He'd be bored silly. I think it would be his minions who ran the show behind the scenes while Trump beat his chest in public. Cruz however, now that is a terrifying proposition. I see true evil in that man. Trump is a schoolyard bully. Cruz is colder, meaner, more dangerous.

    1. I think you're so right. My prediction is that he drops out eventually. I just don't think he REALLY wants to be President. And I agree about Cruz. I don't think he could win because everyone seems to despise him.

    2. I agree. Cruz is the more frightening possibility.

  7. You are a communist? I lean more toward socialism myself and now that Canada has ousted Harper in favour of junior Trudeau, we are less far away from that (but still far). Communism hasn't worked out so well for Cuba et al but perhaps that isn't pure communism. I wandered around Cuba back in 2008, and folks did not have very much of anything and their peso was pretty much worthless vs. the peso for tourists which was pegged to the US dollar. Where has pure communism worked?
    Sanders would be the best choice I imagine but Trump vs. Sanders would give Trump the win or so I hear.
    Hmmm, pure communism? Wouldn't that be statelessness with everyone sharing the wealth? Sounds good to me because I am pretty poor compared to others in my city but I can't imagine people sharing their money and all that they have with those who have less. I think I am too selfish to be a communist - do not take my meagre savings and distribute it evenly!
    Socialism seems more do-able. Mind you, I imagine that anyone in the U.S. who is the slightest bit left would consider themselves communist so great is the difference in ideals from folks on the right.
    - Karen

    1. oh okay. I am as ever slow on the uptake. I read your communist post.

  8. I'm afraid if it's" Flanders"we'll be dealing with a Republican ( take your pick) Prez. If "Flanders" were actually elected he'd be dealing with the uber right House and republican Senate. What could be accomplished? It's such a sad state of affairs.

    1. I don't agree, Mary Lou! I think there's a surge for Bernie, that he truly COULD get elected, and that he is, above all, a politician and has been for decades. As for getting anything done -- who knows?

  9. My husband and I are on a mission to investigate moving to France. Although, I think Canada would be preferable. If the Dems win, my parents are going to England. Or Australia. When it comes down to it, some family will be leaving the country. On second thought, it might be a better idea to stay in the US and agitate. I will not go silently....

    1. It sounds like your parents and mine could move in together!

  10. There's always Greece dear....we already have Sanders in power. (Or so we thought....)

  11. I still don't think Cruz OR Trump could win -- and while I like Sanders personally, I also have my doubts about his viability as a candidate. I think all of them are such extreme characters that they will fail to capture the middle.

  12. The other day I told someone how I wish France had just taken over the world a long time ago. I was referring to their commitment to culture and ABOVE ALL to excellence in baked goods but it applies here too.

  13. What do you think about coming to me, my dear? :-)
    I surely can offer you and your family friendship, good food!!!!
    Do you know what I mean: here, in my country, with a good cultural background, wonderful places and....our typical confusion!!!! so think well, meditate...and make your choice!

    Anyway, I've some beds! Kisses!!!

  14. I'm looking to see what the BS actually is.

  15. McDonald's is serving hot dogs.
    I think it's in honor of Trump, because he's a weiner.

  16. Oop's pardon my's Burger King. Same thing though - they've all got to be owned by republicans.

  17. I get a little hot under the collar thinking about why I would have to move from my hometown just because some ignorant putz won the White House, and then I begin to fantasize about the blue states seceding and forming their own country. I haven't gone so far as to decide what it might be called, but I think that it would be a useful experiment to see which country (the Divided States of Donald Trump or whatever ours ends up getting called) prospers. In this fantasy, of course, we deny immigrants from USDT, ensure wage and racial equity, you know, all those Socialist things, rebuild our infrastructure, give everyone healthcare, and basically watch as the other country pines after what we have. Evil, I know.
