Sunday, July 24, 2016

Sunday Sermon From the Church of the Batshit Crazy

I know I've got some readers out there who are doing so. Please tell me how and why you can. You can even do it anonymously on my blog if you're too embarrassed to be honest.


  1. I plan to share this weekly along with Elizabeth. I think it says so much in a straightforward,simple way. I am realizing that these next three months are going to be like none other we've ever seen. And I also realize I think I am going to feel sick to my stomach the entire time, worrying that this man could win.

  2. I was absolutely shocked to my soles that he did this. In public, being supported for his actions. This is how his mind works. This man is so much more dangerous that any of us realize even now, because believe it or not, this is still only the tip of the iceberg. It's going to get a whole lot worse! When it comes to the end, I think there will be real trouble, even violent trouble.
    So when up a against an enemy like this, we have to get smart and stay strong.

  3. It's a mystery to me how anyone can vote for this man.

  4. I understand that this is awful, but Trump has said a long list of offensive and/or outright insane things and it has not affected his popularity with his constituents. Why would you think pointing this one thing out is going to make any difference? The fact of the matter is that Clay Shirky said it best in his tweet storm: Trump "wasn't on stage because he has unusual views. He was on stage because he has the usual ones, loudly." People are voting for the man who is representing their views and, that being the case, they feel even less obliged to explain themselves.

    1. King -- I am hoping that Republicans I know and love -- even those in my family -- will see this and think about it, perhaps tell me why.

    2. Understood. Good luck with it.

  5. Fuck. I just had a wave of hate sweep over me for that man. I am not a person who hates. I'm just not. But I hate him, Elizabeth. He isn't human. He has no compassion or love or tenderness. But more than anything, because there are always going to be bullies, I am sickened that people support him. I have told my husband that if he gets elected I will not be entering the U.S.* until he is gone. I will not support a country that allows this type of evil.

    *Not that anyone will miss me or care! ;-)

  6. still waiting for the Drumpf supporters to post here. I'd really like to know. My guess? They would say we are all being too thin-skinned, and, wait for it....POLITICALLY CORRECT. Am I right, supporters?

  7. The reason he didn't get into more trouble with this particular fiasco is because disabled make others uncomfortable. His supporters like Donald Trump because he says out loud what they think. It horrible but true I think. They don't feel so alone and nasty because this guy (Trump) is saying it on TV, so it must be okay. He has legitimized all the nasty stuff that has been swept under the carpet for so long, instead of being dealt with. He's a man filled with anger and he allows others to express that anger. He's dangerous.

  8. Rumor has it that his youngest son, Barron, is on the autism spectrum. Many observing Barron and listening to comments over the years from the wife regarding his "habits" it seems obvious that he is on the spectrum---making what Trump did even more shocking and disgusting.

    1. Barron Trump is not on the autism spectrum in the least.

  9. I disagree. He could possibly be Asperger's. I can see that.

    1. He is not. Only unusual thing is that he's pretty much a perfect kid by most people's standards. Bright, social, talented as his siblings are and were.

  10. I am at the tipping point after being Never Trump. Didn't think I'd ever come to this point. Many of my friends and members of my community who have been Democrats have moved to the TRump camp. The polls are steadily showing this migration.

    One of the biggest mistakes I see that the Democrats are making, and those who fervently support, depend upon their policies is that rigidity and sense of sancitomiousness that is coming from there. The news of Michael Brown's mother speaking at the DNC is something that was a game changer for a number of government, police, military friends, family and community members. Something that was rankling since President Obama went off the tangent at the Dallas police funerals. Though many of us get it and support alot of the movements that are going to most benefit from the Democrats being in office, we do so in a more graduated way. The tone is disturbing to say the least. You can be so right you are wrong, and this is what's happening.

    Trump hits the nerves of many people and their fears. The truth of the matter is that most Americans are NOT thrilled at the prospect of an increase in Muslim immigrants, and would like at least a slowdown, and careful transitioning programs that are not in place currently, not an abrupt uptick. We want more support and training for the police, as we recognize the discrimination that is in place for those of color, the disabled, the young, all who get extra scrutiny and downright hostile even deadly treatment by the police.

  11. Those who do ultimately support the Democrat's platforms over the Republican's are getting angry enough of the tactics to the supporters and the movements by Hillary Clinton to cater to them, to vote for Trump, to bring those so far over to the left, closer to the center, and take the chance of the ensuing chaos.

    That the BLM and other factions left the Cleveland convention alone and may give issue to the DNC would be another deal breaker.

    If the election were held today, the statistical data I have is showing Trump the winner, and it's what I'm seeing among my peers as well, who started out as Clinton supporters. I'm not there yet, but I'm feeling no Clinton or Democrat love. Will likely vote for Johnson which will probably the same as a vote for Trump.

    As for the ridiculing of the disabled, I think we all know that this happens a lot. Many people think it's funny. They're tired of the PC and the corrections, and when movement like that are too heavy handed without enough incentive and force behind them, such movements will lose, I've been noticing this backlash for the last year or so, when I see people jump on those who are not "with it" in terminology or beliefs about the disabled.

    None of this is new. Even back years ago, Americans did not embrace immigration. The integration of the different types of Americans who were marginalized (many still are) was a difficult arduous process. The current movements are without much teeth and proceding all the wrong way. Even minor disagreeing with some opinions of the politically correct and the left are received rudely and even with threats. Not smart to do unless you have the carrot and sticks to act that way, and we aren't there yet. A Trump victory will be more than a slap in the face to these causes, but a likely shut down bringing much satisfaction, and even jubilation to many who are feeling bullied about how they feel and believe.

    That even the farther left cannot support Hillary Clinton with Bernie Sanders supporters chanting "Lock her up" shows how much this woman is despised. I feel personally that she is by far a stronger and more competent person than most any who were in the presidential race this year but the combination of lack of support, respect and liking from those who should be supporting her due to their beliefs and interests, and her campaign and supporters lack of good judgement is putting a strong weight against voting for her. Without support from her SUPPORTERS and with so many detractors, I don't see her getting much done even if she gets into office.

  12. Cath Young-from what it appears so many think the choices this election year are just horrible. I can tell you this much-I would never in a million years vote for Hillary. The Clintons are simply career politicans and the e-mail, Benghazi disgrace, etc. crap did it in for me. I am surprised the Democrats didn't insist on a better choice.

    1. And you think that Trump...racist, xenophobic, misogynist, wall-building, no-actual-policies Trump is a BETTER candidate than Hillary? Is being a career politician worse than being a megalomaniac? Because if one chooses to NOT vote or vote for some obscure other candidate (is that even possible?), you empower Trump. Hillary would be at the very worst, status quo at the White House. Trump would bring disaster to this country.

  13. I've been perplexed at how that horrible expression of scorn for people with disabilities has been utterly deleted from the collective memory. I felt then that it was the ultimate red-line-crossing -- how could it be forgotten so quickly and thoroughly? Thank you for reviving it and disseminating this evocative poster.

    1. It's not been purged. It's worse than that Most people don't care is the very sad thing about this. Also a reality check.

  14. @Anon 1:01PM-it's really very insulting that you would immediately associate the fact that Barron can not be on the spectrum because he is perfect in every way. A lot of parents of kids on the spectrum think their kids ARE perfect. Clearly you are a bad as Trump regarding this issue imo. Wow. I am a parent of a child with severe autism and epilepsy (tonic/clonic seizures). Let me tell you something, I would take him any day of the week over people like you.

  15. He's a normal kid. Not on spectrum in the least.

  16. King-I think neither are a great choice but hell would freeze over before I would cast a vote for Hillary Clinton after her "what difference does it make now" comment regarding the Benghazi victims. Not only is that the most disgusting thing I have ever heard but as a parent of a severely disabled child and an advocate I can't tell you how many times we as parents have heard..."what difference does it make" regarding disabled children from assholes at districts, bad therapists and so on. We are experts at detecting vile people who don't give a damn and only care about the bottom line or getting it off their desk.

    1. I am the parent of two severely disabled adult women and an advocate and I can't for the life of me see how Trump is a preferable alternative to Clinton. It's that simple: Trump or Clinton. There's no other road folks.

  17. Not sure why all of this is an issue with Barron. He does not have Aspergers nor do those who know him even think of him as having it. That's not in the picture. If it were, I'm sure I would know, and I wouldn't be posting. Barron is neurotypical, no special services, in a highly selective private school, and there isn't a whisper about him having aspergers or anything else. Not that it matters for Trump if he did, but if this is a rumor floating around, it should end, at least here, because it simply is not true. A lot of issues with Trump. Vile, nasty person. But his son Barron does not have Aspergers

  18. Rebecca Young,do you have a child on the spectrum or work with them? Because unless you are an expert you are missing a lot. I am an expert and many who are see it very clearly. Keep thinking what you want. Many think otherwise. That being said, I think his parents are really great parents from what everyone has seen. I am sure if he is mildly on the spectrum he is getting great assistance and his parents clearly adore him.

    1. Yes to both. And I know the situation personally as well. He is not on spectrum

    2. Anony 1:21 , I am sorry to have upset you. I am glad, and certainly hope you would take your own child over anyone, including myself any day of the week. I just wanted to make it clear that MOST PEOPLE looking at Barron Trump, knowing him at his school and play would consider him perfect which is an unusual thing. Usually people do have something to bring up about a child. I don't personally know him. First unusual thing brought up about him was behavior and focus at the convention.
      He goes to Columbia Grammar School on the upper west side. Come to think of it, old Dirty Donald Drump did make a large contribution to the school which is totally out of character for him; he usually contributes zip to anything including any of his other kids schools. So maybe there is something going on here. But I kind of know the the upper west side environs and those who know the kid, and not a peep about anything except how great he art. I know a lot of kids on the spectrum in that area, and Columbia is not flexible as a rule about taking kids that need any special accommodations.

      Some of the most wonderful children and adults I know are on the spectrum. Magical and delightful things outside of the usual come from them. They are often beyond perfect to me. As for epilepsy, I;m dealing with a similar situation personally, and though I curse the sydrome, I don't associate, cannot associate it with the person.

      So my deepest apologies in getting you riled and defensive. Your child is lucky to have a mom watching his back in every way.

  19. Here's a comment from another site discussing this.

    Kim says:
    July 22, 2016 at 4:10 pm
    I totally agree with you. My daughter has special needs and I have many friends whose kids have high to low functioning autism. When I saw Barron on stage starring at the confetti and balloons with a blank stare. I immediately thought he presented as a child with autism or high functioning Aspergers. A lot of people don’t understand unless you’re constantly around children who have autism. If you notice his younger cousin (boy) waving his hands to the music and dancing you will see the remarkable difference. There’s nothing wrong if Barron is on the spectrum. I think for those of us who have kids with disabilities like myself you’re just taken back to see his orientation on stage. Furthermore, if you read interviews with Melania about Barron, his characteristics are spot on for a child with autism. He’s very smart in math and science, loves to wear suits and has never been a sweat pants child, he likes model cars and planes, but doesn’t like them on his sheets., he likes white sheets. He has a whole floor to himself. You can argue that everyone likes certain things. However, he does not present as a typical 10yr old boy at all. If you understand child development and autism, which presents itself in children and adults in many different ways. There is no doubt Barron either is on the spectrum or has Aspergers. With all the excitement going in that arena last night Barron presented non emotional and expressionless. You’ll notice at one point he’s just standing there with a blank stare on his face amazed by the confetti and balloons and Melania has to tell him to move out of the way of his father. When he’s touched by her you can tell he does not like to be touched. The whole family barely acknowledged him. He literally was in a world of his own as if no one was around him. If the speculations are true, I wish Donald would be more open and transparent about his son as he is about everything else. He might gain more voters.

  20. While I appreciate this civilized discourse, I'm also tempted to pull out Cheech and Chong's teacher spoof that I listened to back in the 70s when I wasn't allowed to shout certain words. In any case, I don't see any really good reason here why anyone would vote for Trump, nor do I agree that Democrats need some tone policing, particularly the BLM movement. I'm voting gladly for Clinton and then getting busy supporting local liberal politicians. Bernie and Elizabeth Warren will be able to get shit done if Clinton wins. If Trump wins, we're screwed. And whether Barron Trump is Aspergers or not is beside the point. Trump mocks the disabled which I personally find particularly heinous -- it's not the only thing heinous about him, but it's emblematic, isn't it?

  21. Two words - Supreme Court. Everything else aside - who do you want making appointments to the Supreme Court?

  22. How did the conversation turn to Barron Trump?

    1. I was wondering the same thing. Thanks for saying it.

  23. Donald Trump is a very very scared man. Combined with power, it makes him attractive to other scared people. Result: a very dangerous situation.
