Monday, August 1, 2016

Hilton Hell and Heaven*

It's hard to know where to start when I haven't been on the old blog for over a week. The boys and I were on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. It was beautiful there, but hot. Oppressively so. I am not so good in the heat. I'm an admitted wimp when it comes to humidity, and I prefer the cold shock of the Pacific to the bathwater of the southern Atlantic. I also hate jellyfish, mosquitos, roaches and the fact that it never cools down, even at night. Did I mention that it was oppressively hot? On the positive side it's always a joy to see the nieces and nephews and my own children running around together, enjoying the beautiful ritual of this summer week that my incredibly generous parents have provided for so many years, and lord have mercy, but they're a bunch of beautiful children, inside and out.

We celebrated Henry's 18th birthday down there. I'm struck speechless that my first son is that old. He's the same preternaturally joyful kid he was on the day he was born. Gratitude for him and his presence on the earth over and over and over.

Cugini on Henry's birthday, only missing Sophie

Now I know you're dying to know whether we watched the Democratic National Convention all together, passing the popcorn and gently jostling one another, respectfully acknowledging our differing viewpoints yet exulting in the fabulous speeches and moving moments.

Um, no.

We're divided as a family, basically, into tribes, and the heads of one of the tribes are essentially the Bosses of the Land, so they determine pretty much everything, and we DON'T TALK AT ALL ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION OR ABOUT DRUMPF OR CLINTON. I'll have to admit that it's the sanest way to operate, particularly in the oppressive heat of South Carolina. We did make conversation about what was for lunch or dinner or how hot it was or how beautiful the view was or how much we love one another despite not being able to converse about truly substantive things every four years or so. My sister and I resorted to watching the convention on a tiny television from the last millennium in her bedroom. I have no idea for whom the leaders of the other tribe are voting, but I know for sure who they're NOT voting for, and that's the first woman to receive the nomination. While it can be tense every now and then, I did make some sort of crack about how we were being denied our first amendment right to assemble peacefully and watch the dang thing in the living room and actually got a laugh from one of the chiefs of the other tribe.

Anyhoo, as they say.

I'd also like to mention the very large Drumpf sand castle that was built on the beach by a group of very white mid-westerners. Nor will I mention how members of our tribe got into it a bit and were called by the Drumpfers "liberal loons." In fact, they even etched a warning into the sand underneath the tower.


I'm proud to say that some of our tribe actually did knock down the tower later that evening -- or maybe it was just the tide?

I'll also mention that when the boys and I walked off the plane in Savannah, Georgia, we saw this ad, featured prominently in the waiting area:

The welcome ad displayed prominently at the Savannah airport

Hot blonde with great legs despite the camo and really cool boots, out for a little adventure with a killing machine thrown casually over her shoulder. I bet she feels safe as Hilton hell! And ready for some fun! I told the boys that we weren't in Kansas anymore (on second thought, things are probably pretty much the same as far as gun fun in Kansas) and that people are truly more afraid in these parts, even of one another, have strange and mysterious ideas about liberty and feel obliged to not only protect themselves but adventure with guns that have been manufactured solely to kill the maximum number of people as quickly as possible.

Did I mention how hot it was there? And relaxing?

I think that's enough for one day. I still have to tell you about the loggerhead turtles that we saw hatch and migrate to the sea one evening -- truly one of the most exciting and moving experiences of my 52 years on the planet.

*The levity of this post is in no way an entirely accurate representation of my thoughts regarding the election. While I tried to remain calm, cool and collected, I felt disgusted -- enormously so -- by the gun ad in the airport and the fact that middle schoolers would actually erect a sand tower to that man. Plus, I was hot.


  1. Well, we're not all insane down here although it's a miracle because our brains do get cooked in this heat.
    Where did you get that bathing suit? I want one just like it.
    You're gorgeous.
    And I dreamed about Henry last night. He was so sweet, so courteous, so handsome. You've done good, mama. And you know it.
    One more thing- that shot of you holding the tomatoes is perfect in so many ways. I love it.

    1. I know ya'll are not all insane, and we have a different kind of insanity out here anyway! I don't remember where I got the bathing suit, but I think it's one of those hold you in tight deals. It's surprisingly comfortable, though, and I do love the style and color. Notice that you only see the top bit. There's a reason for that.

  2. I took my niece to Italy for her graduation gift. It was wonderful, and hot. I don't do well in heat. We saw a lot, laughed a lot, ate a lot, and sweated a lot. I was very hot.

    1. Italy in the summer is always hot, right? I am actually going in early October and can't wait. Hopefully, it will have cooled off by then.

  3. I've taken to referring to myself as a Dirty Liberal. There's a bunch of us at work that proudly (but privately) declare this fact. It is actually quite fun. Enjoyed this post and catching up.

  4. I love it! Go, girl!

  5. So I take it you aren't coming to Florida for a visit any time soon? We've been hibernating inside for weeks.
    Remarkable restraint on the political talk, on all sides.

    1. No visits to Florida in the near future! Good luck with your hibernation!

  6. My God your parents are wonderful! It really warms my heart to see that people still do this. I was just reading an article about how these kind of vacations are becoming the exception in this country. I'm so glad your boys get to be a part of this kind of family love....even if certain things can not be spoken of. And how admirable that you kept to the rules. Any yes, that shot of you is gorgeous, where did you get that skin?!

    1. Thanks, liv. And yes, my parents are wonderful. As for my skin, while it's always been "good," that picture is some kind of filtered thing from a goofy app on my son's phone!

  7. What a lovely family vacation tradition. You were respecting one another's feelings, maintaining loving relationships and courtesy, in spite of intellectual/political differences. This is what we need in our government, so you were really being politically active, yet in a quiet way. We need pubic servants who know how to work out compromises for the greater good, without compromising their integrity. It CAN be done. Your mutual courtesy and forbearance sets a great example for the next generation. But the ad? Is that gun-toting gal in camo yoga pants (a crazy contrast in itself) supposed to be sexy? What's the message? To me, it's creepy, but clearly I'm not the target audience (pun intended).

    1. You are too kind, Karen. I admit to not feeling as charitable as I might have --

  8. Oh the contrast of cousin love and the vast political spectrum of family. Love the cousin connection. I feel the pain of partisan separation between siblings. We are doing the same gig next week, however the parents are gone and it is not the same. Thankful yours are alive and loving all of you no matter what.

    1. Thanks, Lynda. I have so much for which to be thankful. Have a wonderful vacation --

  9. Happy birthday Henry! The partisan family politics must be hard. I cannot wrap my mind around the fact of people actually voting for Drumpf. I missed you here.

    1. Thanks, Angella! I've missed blogging and reading all about ya'll's week!

  10. Hello Elizabeth, Maria and I are also on a vacation with my dad's side of the family and are sadly in the same boat as you. We agreed with my aunt prior to everyone arriving that political conversation should be avoided at all cost! While I believe in conservative views, I detest Trump and what he stands for, and simply just don't want to know who of my kin would support him. Have fun in Hilton Head!

    1. Thanks, Anonymous! Have a great vacation and stay cool!

  11. I had forgotten about your beautiful tattoo . That spread of food looks so dang good, at my parents house we absolutely cannot talk about politics right now because frankly I would kill somebody . Seriously .

  12. Ack! I just wrote a very long comment and then it disappeared. Probably for the best. I was bashing Republicans. No, I was not bashing Republicans, I was bashing the maniac that they are voting for. I can accept the different viewpoints but I can't accept all the hating and anger.

    You look fabulous in your bathing suit even if you are only showing the top bit! xo

  13. It's wonderful that your kids get to see their cousins and extended family on a regular basis. And you look lovely. I will be so thankful when your election is over. Canadians suffer with you as well and it's not even our fucking election:)

  14. Well, on the bright side, the middle schoolers can't vote!

  15. So pleased you were able to enjoy family with the boys AND that you and your sister were able to watch the convention together. I watched it in the safe cocoon of my own family room within the safe cocoon of my liberal neighborhood nestled inside the safe cocoon of my happily-blue state (although there are those in my town who were mightily disappointed at Bernie's bowing out, but ...). I am quite pleased that I wasn't at my in-laws' farm in rural Oregon where I would be certain to have been asked to watch it with them so they could pause live TV and start arguments at every turn. Whew! Dodged that bullet (pun intended - they love their guns down there, too).
