Sunday, January 22, 2017

A Reply to Unknown

copied from my friend Michael's Women's March sign

Unknown left a comment on my last post or, rather, a question.

Here it is:

I am not sure what anybody is protesting. What exactly was the protest about? This I cannot figure out. 

Oh, my.

Where to start?

First of all, this was billed really as a "peaceful march" and not a "protest," but we were, of course, protesting that Donald Trump has been voted into office and has assembled a cabinet of billionaires around him whose interests run contrary to ours.  Drumpf for many of us is an emblem, the last gasp of a dying white patriarchy that persists in objectifying women, raping the planet and keeping down people of color, those whose sexual identity is different than "the norm," and any religion other than Christianity. Many were deeply offended by him mocking a disabled person, denying that he did so and never acknowledging the hurt he caused. I believe all of us who marched object to his constant lies and lack of empathy, to his insistence that success is measured by one's material possessions and acquisition of wealth. Those who voted for him might not be misogynists or climate change deniers or racists and xenophobes, but they sure are enablers. Many of us marched to differentiate ourselves from them and to support the vulnerable. I marched for my disabled daughter and the thousands of people with disabilities that I know. I marched for my two sons and all boys growing up in today's world to let them know that the man who is the President of the United States is not someone to look up to as a model, that his behavior should never be normalized. I marched because I love a man who is black and I believe fervently in Black Lives Matter.

That being said, I think the main reason why women the world over, as well as the men that love them, were inspired to march, was because of the following words we all heard come out of his mouth, words that were never taken back, words that he never made an apology for nor reflected upon but even defended. These were words that plenty of men and women actually dismissed even as his degrading remarks to and about women continued.

So, why did we march, Unknown? Why did we wear pink pussy hats? Why did we protest and what were we protesting?

Here's the text of Drumpf's overheard remarks about women and his own "power" over them:

I did try and fuck her. I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture.  I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture. I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look. .. I’ve gotta use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful ― I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.

Donald Trump, President of the United States of America

Unknown, that's why we marched. This cretin became President anyway. And millions of us are going to resist him for as long as we have breath.

Elizabeth Aquino and millions of other women


  1. I. Love. This. Every word, every single one. And now when anyone asks why people marched, I will send them here. Because this covers it all. Thank you!

  2. Amen, Elizabeth.

  3. Overtime I read that quote, I can barely believe any of this happened. It's just so over the top. How did this happen? Who voted for this guy.
    Those are my questions. As for why people could they NOT march?

  4. Oh, holy hell, yes. I can't believe how many people have asked "what's it all about." In a world of "alternate facts" I am grateful for your truths. Love you.

  5. Just shaking my head. I live way far north, I'm not American and I know what everybody was protesting. Really? I guess that does explain how he got elected.

  6. We didnt protest when Bill Clinton had sex with a 22 year old intern. I cant believe the double standard. Clinton violated Monica Lewisky ( a female I believe and we did nothing). And then I am asked to vote for his wife who did nothing.......and no protest.
    Also the prolife females were turned away from the protest.......why? why cant they protest.. I just dont get it.

    I will trust Mr Trump until he does me wrong. Bill Clinton was way worst and we applaud him.

    1. twoblackjet765: I actually was devastated that Clinton squandered his formidable legacy by having an affair with an intern. And protests included a protracted battle against him, culminating in his impeachment. Correct? As far as his wife's actions toward that, it's no business of mine or yours. I saw several "pro-life" signs at the march in Los Angeles, so I'm thinking you've been watching Fox/fake news? As for Drumpf "doing me wrong" -- he already has by insulting my sex, my daughter, my friends, and my planet. He's already moved forward to dismantle the Affordable Care Act which will devastate my family. His appointments will negatively impact my children's education and, above all, our planet's survival. Let's not argue, though, here. You're way, way out of your league.

    2. Twobluejacket:
      I had posed the question to you in your comment on Elizabeth's previous post. Where do you see Trump's "big heart and care for people"? You had said you wanted to give Trump a chance because he had those qualities.
      To you and Unknown, what I see is a person who has mocked the disabled, boasted about assaulting women, made "textbook racist" statements, and has appointed to head important Government Departments those very people whose agenda is to dismantle and destroy those Departments.
      These departments are not "the swamp" that needs to be drained. Environment, Education, Health and Human Services are lifelines for my family.
      Can you please share what concrete points you admire in Trump and what concretely you hope he will do for you? - SS

  7. Well said. The question reminds me that after the 9/11 attacks, people would ask why in the world would thr terrorists do that? Without justifying their actions AT ALL, I just couldn't believe people didn't know the history of the US Govt in the Middle East. Wake up! Oh, and the comment re Clintons abuses, I'm hearing this over and over. I think it must be a Fox News talking point and simply a defection of the current issues at hand. So called Pro-life groups were indeed disinvited in DC, because most of this groups are decidedly anti choice and therefore anti women.

  8. I'm amazed anybody even has to ask that question.

  9. Yes! I marched for my gay friend undergoing chemo, for my daughter carrying a future feminist, for all oppressed and vulnerable people, for ALL of us!

  10. My friends...... what country has more freedom for women than the U.S. Really, how can a million march for rights in this country? Ladies are you serious. Have you studied the rest of the world.
    And Elizabeth, my child like yours is disabled. And I would have have never had an abortion.

    we women need to figure this out.

    1. twoblackjet765: While a part of me suspects that you might be what we call a "troll," and therefore only out to provoke, my patience is worn a bit thin from your obdurate refusal to acknowledge my answers to your questions or to answer the questions of the other readers. In case you missed it, the freedom we were marching for was freedom from a misogynistic, racist man who is mentally ill and ill-equipped to lead our vast and diverse country. You have yet to write a coherent response. Here are a couple more questions, posed by another commenter: "Where do you see Trump's 'big heart and care for people'?" "Can you share what concrete points you admire in Trump and what concretely Trump will do for you?"

      While we share the experience of having a disabled child and choosing not to have an abortion, we differ in that I would never impose my beliefs on another woman or seek to influence her decisions about her body. And if you think I'd let Drumpf and the rest of the patriarchal goons in our government tell me what to do with MY body, I'll resist to my dying breath.

      Here's my impatience: As a professional editor, I suggest you hone up on your writing skills -- your grammar and spelling needs improvement and if improved might lend some credence to your statements. Frankly, you sound ignorant of a lot of things.

  11. You certainly have more patience and kindness inside of you than I do -- I would have a very hard time replying to such a foolish question (wrong, I know!). Thank you for your blog, and for continuing to send your light into the world.

  12. I am no Troll . Trump could should a very big heart buy providing more employment for working class people who have not had a pay raise in many years. Also we need to be honest, many parts of Obama care sucks and Elizabeth I think you know what I am talking about.

    And I am sorry my writing skills are not as good as yours. I do not have the education you do. But I might be a kinder person than you and in my mind I will take that every day. Now I will feed my child. Remind me to never google search children with disabilty blog.

    1. You still haven't answered the questions, twoblackjet. You very well might be a kinder person than I -- and good luck with caring for your disabled child. The Trump administration's prospective policies will devastate disabled persons' lives. I plan on continuing to resist them and advocate for all vulnerable persons.

    2. Here's a great explanation from a man who marched on Saturday that you might understand and appreciate: "I want to explain yesterday's #WomensMarch in terms even a neanderthal could understand: It was NOT a march against men. It was NOT a march against Democracy or the Electoral College. It was NOT a march to impeach the President. It was NOT a march against America, or a particular political party or persuasion. NOT to ask for special rights, but simply to demand the preservation of rights already earned.

      It was a march for unity & solidarity; to support the concerns, not just unique to our wives, our daughters, our sisters & our mothers, but also to support the concerns of people of all races, religions, creeds & colors; to show solidarity with the young, the elderly, the infirmed, and those of differing abilities.

      If that appears to be in opposition to the President, then it is simply because the President himself has yet to inspire unity amongst his constituents. But make no mistake, his constituents are simply practicing what the President himself declared at his inauguration: A return of power to the People. To that effect, Donald Trump is on track to cure apathy in his first 100 days. Congratulations Mr. President! #WhyWeMarch #WomensMarchLosAngeles"

  13. "You're way, way out of your league."
    I suggest you hone up on your writing skills -- your grammar and spelling needs improvement and if improved might lend some credence to your statements.'

    Why o why? By lashing out like this, how will there ever be a true exhange?
    You both have a child with disability - surely that could be something you could find yourself reaching out about?

    1. You are right, of course, about my mean quick-tempered remarks to that Drumpf-lover. My patience is wearing thin, and I realize that's no excuse. That being said, I felt bad about it and through much of today until this very moment when I read the Drumpf-lover's final (I hope) comment and started laughing my fanny off about it all. Just too much.

    2. thx for coming back to it.
      Ofcourse it's all too much. For everyone.

  14. I am the Anonymous who had asked the questions to twoblackjet here.
    This is your blog Elizabeth, so your rules. But my personal idea is that pressing people on substance rather than style keeps the effort focused tightly on policies. Talking about communication skills can become a sidetrack, unless people are doing deliberate obfuscation.
    (And I say this as an immigrant for whom English is my third language. And I love the irony of people saying "immigrants need to learn English". Great idea, say I: let Americans learn English too.) - SS

    1. Yes, I agree, mea culpa, etc. I don't think we're going to get any answers from jetblack, though, and Elsewhere loves to pop in every now and then to nitpick, chastise and call me out when I get testy. I am annoyed and irritated, sick of the ignorant and uneducated -- it all feels oppressive, doesn't it -- trying to remain calm and kind and compassionate in the face of such idiocy and depravity?

    2. And as a friend said to me, "Trump gives us a whetstone to sharpen our tongues."

    3. I also sent you the picture of the mermaid you had on your blog for a long time... maybe I'm not all bad?

  15. After a day of soul searching and being insulted on this page that is FOR women even if their writing skills are poor.
    And thinking people on this blog spot would be kind and at least think and be open to questions it is clear.

    You are not. You are bitter and sad women. I think of women really struggling. And not you Elizabeth ( who loves L.A......I cant afford L.A. and the house you complain about) My life is really hard, not fake blog hard.

    A Moon, worn.......was suggested to me by a friend. I had no idea how bitter and mean and close minded your group is.

    so sad and so pathetic. I am a better and stronger women!!!!!

    1. "Bitter, sad, pathetic, mean, close-minded" -- thank you for your honesty. I am sorry to have made the mean remark about your writing skills -- I know that I can be mean and sharp-tongued and impatient. But I have to say that you've thrown out some pretty good insults yourself right here, and NEVER ANSWERED A SINGLE QUESTION POSED TO YOU, EVEN WHEN THOSE QUESTIONS WERE ASKED OPENLY AND WITH TOLERANCE. I think if you look back on this interminable thread, you'll see that, and if you ever want to answer why you'd vote for and now support such a vile human being as Trump (besides for his "open heart" which you haven't provided any concrete examples of), please feel free to visit. This blog isn't for everyone, but it's for some, and I am continually humbled by the community that's cropped up here over the eight years I've been writing.

  16. I can see this blog is for bitter single lonely women who hate men and our country.

    When did your husband leave you Liz? Did you get heavy?

    Tough world Liz and Trump won.

    Trump got more FAT women walking last weekend than Michelle Obama did in 8 years.

    Now I will feed my disabled child. Sorry I dont write as well as you. This blog isnt for everyone.

    1. I am still sorry that I made those contemptuous remarks about your writing, twoblackjet. My patience with Drumpf supporters is worn thin. No one likes the kind of exchanges that you and I had here, and I, too, spent much of the day, on and off, feeling irritated that I'd let you get under my skin. If you do indeed have a disabled child, I can empathize with the difficulty of it and hope that you get some help. Your personal attack, though, on me and the other women who read this blog (lots of men do as well!) is hilarious and has given me something to laugh uproariously over on this otherwise bleak day. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'll acknowledge that while sometimes bitter, I'm working on it and aim for equanimity. I'm currently madly in love, not lonely because I am surrounded by my three children and numerous life-long friends as well as an extended, rich family. I really do love men (and hate the patriarchy) and am pretty ambivalent about my country. I'm more of an "imagine there's no country" kind of gal. I also LOVE my little house in Los Angeles and work hard, as does my ex-husband, to pay the mortgage and the bills. I'm beyond grateful to have what I have and work every single day to help those who don't have the resources that I have, particularly in the disability world. I can't remember at this point, but I believe you claimed to be a Christian woman, didn't you? If so, you might want to work on your methods of spreading God's kingdom, particularly attacking women's appearances. It's cheap and lazy, and I can't imagine Jesus would approve. Now I think we both should let our "exchange" go and shut the hell up. Thank you for braving the elements and providing a bit of hilarity -- that line about Trump and Michelle Obama was brilliant.

    2. twoblackjet, sadly — with your last comments — you have become the troll you denied being. your writing skills never bothered me, and i winced when they were called out. but we are all flawed. your insults, however, do deeply offend. you don't know the blog author nor do you know her readers yet you take liberties — and it would seem great delight — to offend. i second the fact that you did not endulge other's reasonable questions. it would have served us all well, including you, if you had. i, too, am curious why you would defend trump, as a woman and particularly the mother of a disabled child whose healthcare may now be in great jeopardy. as i re-read your words, i see a mirroring of trump's caustic, harmful, loathesome rhetoric. i am also the mother of a disabled child with my own blog. i am not bitter. i just want to make the world a better place than it is. we will soon see that trump is not the answer. we are already beginning to see what a liability he is.

  17. Dear Twoblackjet- This is a blog for women like me. Who am I? A woman who has been incredibly happily married for thirty-two years. A woman who does not have a disabled child but who may have a grandchild with epilepsy. We are in the process of diagnosis. And who has been my counselor, my advisor, my comforter during this incredibly difficult time? Elizabeth Aquino. A woman who is my friend through blog world, who knows me in some ways better than almost anyone I know. A woman who is honest and wise and who has a sense of humor as dark and quirky as mine. A woman who cares. I have no idea what your situation is and I know it may be an incredibly difficult one. But flaming out at a woman who cares about all children, disabled or not, who has a life which has been difficult beyond my means to comprehend, who is empathetic and loving and caring despite all, is not going to help your situation. I wish the best for you.
    No. This blog isn't for everyone.
    But it surely is for me.
    Best wishes.

  18. Twoblackjet: I am not single, bitter, lonely, nor do I hate any country. My disabled child has been well fed and is now asleep. My spouse is reading in the next room. The dog is asleep in the dog bed in front of the fireplace.
    Now will you please answer the questions: where do you see evidence of Trump's "big heart and care for people"? What concrete and positive thing do you think Trump will do for you?
    People say "give him a chance", but he has been less than a week in office, and he has done the following: taken aim to destroy the environment, women's reproductive rights, IDEA law and public education, health care, removed tax breaks for average people while promising to cut taxes for rich business owners, and keeps on with the lie that illegal voting happened. That's more than enough chance.
    Name one positive thing he has done for you?

    1. One positive thing -

    2. Thanks, Anonymous, for the link! I had read about this when it was first floated out a few weeks ago and learned that nothing has been substantiated from the Trump administration. While I'd like to believe that he'd have some interest in our children, I seriously doubt it given the people he has appointed to run the health and human services department and the department of education. I also seriously doubt whether Trump has any interest in doing anything other than aggrandizing himself, even if that means taking on something as controversial as vaccines. I figure you know about my interest in vaccine safety. I feel pretty strongly, though, that Kennedy is a fool to take any position in a Trump administration. It's not a legitimate presidency, for one, and I fear Trump's debunking of climate science will, rightfully, hurt his credibility for vaccine safety. Just my two cents!

  19. In the White House now is a man who has been elected based on the fact that he's not a politician, not an intellectual or academic, doesn't read, is the opposite of a feminist, is intolerant. Rather than having wisdom, he parrots rabble-rousing slogans, and the rabble is roused.

    For people who value temperence, genuine open-heartedness, research and articulacy it gets frustrating to see those without it praising him and denigrating their fears. It's salt in the wound when they prove they don't have the ability to articulate why either, or back up their stance with anything valid. I get that You've elected this guy because of what he doesn't have because you don't feel represented by previous politicians and presidents but it's all too surface. Fake blue collar self-interest is not going to get you the jobs you want. His lies about creating jobs are already there to see. If you're not educated enough to research, understand or articulate, then the answer is not to pull it all down to your own level - if we do that it's all going to fall apart. Though I think it's already fallen apart.

    I commented on someone's fb post sneering about how the protest wasn't about human rights - and got called 'a piece of shit' in response. Trump's response to criticism is to call people dumb losers. This isn't debate. It isn't glory. Telling people they're fat is never going to get anyone anywhere. Elizabeth wouldn't have made that frustrated comment about your writing skills if you'd been saying anything of substance with them.

  20. I marched up here in Vancouver, Canada. 20,000 or so people in a march organized by five women who had never organized before but decided to after no one else stepped up. I made the mistake of going to the FB page after the march - two groups of women in particular are having a cyber commenting/bullying feeding frenzy because their groups were not invited to speak (speeches that were given were short and in Canada, it is First Nations women (natives) who are the most oppressed so they had a chance to speak). The organizers apologized twice and profoundly so but that has not been enough it seems. Women turning on women while Trump destroys the world.
