Saturday, January 21, 2017

WOMEN #resist

I am completely undone by the beauty of the day -- the achingly blue skies, the hundreds of thousands of peaceful marchers, the brilliant signs, my spectacular friends, the power of peace and love, the exhilaration of Truth staring you in the face.

That was the easy part. Now the real work begins.

May we all feel constant courage in our resistance to what was unleashed in our country.

May we all be strengthened and nourished by what we experienced today and saw all over the planet.



  1. Agreed. Today was like a glue to show us we are strong and we are the majority. I marched with 100,000+ in MN and it was all of the amazing I expected and more.

  2. Proud to be a "nasty woman"!


  3. 100% yes! Those that say a march doesn't change anything are wrong. So many today are energized. I learned some new ways to make a difference in my own community. Our spirits really needed this.

  4. You have given me such hope. Thank you for keeping me so cozily in your pocket. Of all the photos- you know which one is my favorite.
    Thank you, sister in hope. Thank you, sister in faith. Thank you sister in strength. Thank you, sister in love.

  5. That's how I felt today, too. I'm committting to the Michael Moore To Do list. (Except for running for office part.)

  6. Beautiful pictures! Beautiful people!

  7. My one great regret about our London march is that I still don't have a pussy hat!

    It's interesting how so many of the signs at your march and the Washington march and the London march bear the same messages. Social media is a powerful tool for spreading clever slogans! :)

  8. Thanks for posting this. I was unable to march and have not heard anything from my city. It is wonderful to see people banding together across the world.

  9. Love the photos. I love the sign, Love trumps hate.
    I wanted to go here but the roads were so slippery and it was so foggy, I didn't feel safe driving into the city. I'm getting old too and am terrified of slipping on the ice now. I'm turning into my mother:)

  10. You perfectly captured it, both in pictures and words.

  11. This makes me feel much better. I hope this keeps up. I'm going to do what I can!

  12. Twenty years ago my father told me I wasn't warm and fuzzy anymore, I took that as a compliment!

  13. I am not sure what anybody is protesting. What exactly was the protest about? This I cannot figure out.

    1. Seriously? They...we are protesting an administration who wants to take away healthcare from people who need it most. We are protesting an administration who wants to take away the first health insurance some people have ever had. We are protesting an administration that wants to weaken the public school system and make it "for profit." We are protesting the denial of science. We are protesting a war on brown skinned people. We are protesting so many, many things that President Trump has been "promising" his faithful! Does that clear things up?

    2. I've given you an answer, Unknown, in a completely new post! Hope it answers your question. Thanks for asking.

  14. Fantastic photos of an extraordinary day. I particularly love the photo with Oliver!

  15. Love the photos and the positive energy. Thank you!

  16. Unknown has one profile view. Mine.


    Great pictures, Elizabeth. I'm wondering what should happen next.

  17. I think you may want to see what the President does first before the protest. I think our new president will show he has a big heart and cares greatly about people.
    Can we at least give him a chance?

    1. I don't think this person deserves "a chance." He's proven himself to be a man of no integrity and a liar at best. He's proven himself over and over to be a narcissist and incapable of anything but self-aggrandizement. He's exploited workers, denigrated women, insulted people of color and veterans. He's mocked the disabled. He has absolutely no regard for the environment and led a discredited attack on President Obama's birth. He's a reprehensible excuse for a human being, and for the life of me I do not understand how you could possibly defend him.

    2. It has been less than 24 hours since Trump has been in office. He has already signed an Executive Order calling for the dismantling of the Affordable Care Act (my family depends on this, including my 'typical' daughter and 'very disabled' son).
      He has removed references to LGBT protection and the environment from the White House web page.
      I think these straws show which way the wind is blowing. He is being given a chance, and is starting to destroy the things that made America 'great' - protection of the environment and of vulnerable.
      I see nothing to show that "he has a big heart and cares greatly" for anyone other than himself and other rich people.
      He has proudly dodged taxes for 18 years, leaving the "little people" like myself to pay taxes. Yet he has benefited from taxes: infrastructure, law and order, etc. And he is now drawing a salary and security perks paid by taxes.
      I believe in a democracy and peaceful transfer of power. I believe in protesting policies, not persons (otherwise we will have this kind of circus every time there is a Presidential election in the US).
      Yet I am baffled that ordinary people believe his hype and support him. - SS

    3. Ps: and his nominee for Education Secretary is dedicated to dismantling public education, and has no idea about IDEA. These education infrastructures have sustained my family for two generations. Where do you see the big heart and care for people here? If you are still reading, I would genuinely like to know .....

    4. Really? I really don't believe Trump can change or even wants to change.
