Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I have no idea what I'm doing today

or what I'm thinking or how I'm going to do it.

What's happening in your parts? Not pants.


  1. Ha!--me either. I'm not going to the hospital today. I think I'm going to get caught up on all the other stuff. Either that or sleep all day.

  2. It's a snowy day here in Philadelphia and both my girls have early dismissals from school. I am sneaking in some bread baking before I need to pick them up: a second try at Ethiopian Honey bread.

  3. Snow day here. Wind chill at about ZERO. I've been up for over 3 hours and am still in my pajamas., so probably not a lot going on here. lol

  4. Packing, packing, packing. It never seems to end. Zero motivation but the truck comes at 8 AM tomorrow.

  5. I'm going for a walk. After I read your post I had to look at my calendar to see what day it is. NO PANTS in between all those other two things.

  6. I took a walk. I took the trash. I ate a bowl of oat bran cereal with apples and raisins.
    Can I go back to bed now?

  7. That probably is a very rare occurrence for you! I hope you end up having a delightful day. I'm getting prepared for some presentations, a few classes, trying to get some overdue answers out to people. I'll enjoy these tasks, and rest well tonight. Cold day, but I have my LLBean gear so I don't mind.

  8. I have been on the phone, talking and on hold with Anthem trying to convince them I exist and trying to demand they give me my f***ing ID #! At the same time I am trying to think of MLK's belief that violence is not necessary here even though I feel like I am incapably capable of violence in this situation. And I am reading blogs. When and if I survive this, I will try to have a productive day doing paperwork and errands. Sweet Jo

  9. More than likely I'll spend the day thinking about the myriad writing projects I may or may not want to work on, vacuum and do laundry and walk the dog in order to avoid actually sitting down and writing, and take an inordinate amount of time crafting my lunch out of scraps of leftovers about to go to waste in the fridge. Then I'll pick kids up, take them to basketball practice, make dinner and consider starting to watch Top of the Lake since Bubba's out of town, decide it's too much work to get into another series, read a little bit and go to bed disgusted with myself for not writing enough today.

  10. Nothing happening in my pants today, sadly...snow day for the kids. :) Unless you count the hour on the stationary bike in the guest room, that is...that would lead to a reduction in the size of my pants in an ideal world.

  11. I had a day like that yesterday. All plans thwarted. I ended up going to see The Great Beauty, which I loved. Today is about that great panacea, banana bread.

  12. When I feel that way I usually end up listless in bed. So kudos to you if you got out of bed, and hey, kudos to you if you didn't.

  13. Packing for a trip with the kids (yay) and trying to talk to three different bureaucracies on the phone (boo). I didn't find out anything. And then the shaving gel in my bag exploded for no reason, spewing itself all over everything next to it. Huh?

  14. Hehehe, I still like that joke ;)



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