Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sweet Sixteen

I have the impulse to just say Whew, brush my hand across my brow and call it a day. Sixteen years! Sixteen years! Sixteen years! I don't even know what to say, so in keeping with the miracle of these here internets and this beautiful blogging community, I'm going to post a poem that Eric at I am a broken man/You can't break me posted as a comment here yesterday. Eric's beautiful and heroic son Segev shares a birthday with Sophie, so I wish him Happy Birthday as well.

Remember back to that day when Sophie was born,
when the universe feinted a cloth so
that the motions of life bittersweet took
Praise! Beautiful hardship, tender girl, no longer sprite, beautiful curl.
Gaining, gaining, sweet success, of wishes of blossom
without duress.

Finally, I want to honor another beautiful birthday girl, Miss Katie Gerstenberger, who was born on the exact same day and same year as my Sophie. Katie passed away several years ago from cancer, but her mother Karen keeps her memory alive at her beautiful blog Gberger. Happy Birthday, dear and beautiful Katie. You are alive in my heart, your sweet face and smile a part of me.

I've written two posts about Sophie on her birthday on this blog, and if you'd like you can read them HERE and HERE. And here are some pictures of our birthday morning, a raucous celebration before school:

Not quite ready to get up

still sleepy and a little seizury (that's what happens when she wakes up)
listening to Grandma and Pop Pop sing Happy Birthday

Oliver is the official helper for present opening

Birthday breakfast: strawberries and Swedish pancakes

Happy Sweet Sixteen to Sophie!


  1. Lovely! Happy Birthday SoCal Sophie!

  2. Happy Birthday sweet Sophie!! And also to those who share your birthday. I love the breakfast!! And, of course, I want to know what was in the boxes.

    Elizabeth, I am working on putting a "print" tab on my recipes. The most popular place is asking me to make an addition to my template and I'm hesitant. I am still sure that there's a button I can push that will wipe out the internet for the entire Chicago area!!!!! = (

    If there's a recipe you would like, just leave me a comment and I'll e-mail it to you for now.


  3. Happy 16th birthday Sophie! Love, all your cousins. The photos are so wonderful! XO

  4. So much love in this post--from you, the boys, your friends. And the poem was amazing. Happiness today to all of you.

  5. Happy Birthday to Sophie!

  6. Happy Birthday, Sophie - what a blessing! (Eric's poem is lovely).

  7. Happy Birthday, beautiful Sophie!

    Sophie's brothers really do get into the act, don't they? I love how close and loving your children are. You can see it in these pictures.

  8. Happy birthday to Sophie. What a beautiful poem.

  9. Happy birthday to Sophie. That's a stirring poem especially given the life of Sophie. You have good cause to celebrate. Thanks for the other links.

  10. Perfect poem and perfect pictures and she looks beautiful and I can tell she's really enjoying the celebration.
    My love to you all...M

  11. So nice to see that little grin on Sophie's face!

  12. Happy Happy Birthday to Sophie!!!

  13. Happy Birthday beautiful Sophie!Sending love and all good things your way,on this day,a day to rejoice in the gift of your precious,precious life.

  14. I think there should be a special word for that first child in a family, the one whose birth creates a mother and father. If I had such a word, I would use it now.

    Happy 16th birthday to Sophie!

    And to Elizabeth: Happy 16th anniversary of the day you became a mother!

  15. I love these photos! She's so happy; her smile is sweet and beautiful to see. That tender love between her and her brothers is a pure miracle to witness. It looks as if your morning was overflowing with blessings. Thank you for blessing my day with your love and generosity.
    I love you.

  16. Happy birthday to your sweet girl. I read all the time and post almost never, but I enjoy and am blessed by what you write. Our only girl is our only child with special needs also (3 neurotypical brothers). Not the daughter I had originally dreamed of perhaps, but a true blessing nevertheless. Hugs to you and your girl.

    Carrie T. - mom to 4 adopted from Korea

  17. love this peek into your jOy.
    the cabbage roses on her so soft pink heart.
    lovely. joyful. sweet.

    gracing us all.....on her special day.

  18. So good of you to share these moments with us. The poem was a lovely gift, wasn't it? So lovely.

    Sophie is a very sweet sixteen.

  19. This just all melts my heart.

    and that poem, wow .

    Happy Birthday beautiful full of Light Sophie.

  20. Happy happy birthday, Sophie.
    The poem and photos are beautiful. xoxo

  21. I loved seeing the morning celebrations!

    And there seems to be some incredible synchronicity at work -- with these 3 beautiful souls sharing the same birthday!

    Happy birthday to Sophie, Katie and Segev! And the best Mama!

  22. Happy Happy Sweet 16! I loved seeing their three smiles all so close together in celebratory happiness. I hope it was a wonderful relaxing day for all, but you especially! xoxo

  23. She is beautiful. Happy Birthday Sophie!!

  24. Welcome to sixteen magical, mystical, elusive girl.

  25. Happy birthday Sophie! And happy birthing day to her awesome mother :D

  26. Happy Birthday to your beautiful Sophie. It's so fun to see her being smothered with all that sweet, snuggly love. Thanks for the smiles. xx

  27. Happy sweet sixteen birthday to beautiful Sophie.

  28. What beautiful writing, I think I am going to enjoy this blog.

  29. Takes my breath away ..... One of the most beautiful blog posts EVER!

  30. Happy Birthday beautiful Sophie!!!!

    what a delicious and beautiful breakfast!!

  31. Happy Birthday dear Sophie! Happy birth day to you, dear Elizabeth. And finally happy birthday to Segev and to Katie. I'm thinking of all of you!

  32. Happiest Birthday wishes to Sophie! A beautiful post for a most beautiful young lady. xo

  33. Happy Birthday. This is a milestone one! I love these photos. I chuckle seeing the boys - isn't it always the younger siblings that get all worked up with the celebration and gifts? I can see their love for Sophie. All the best. Truly.

  34. Sweet Sweet Sophie is 16! The photos are wonderful. Especially the one with her face down. Oh, Sophie I feel like this EVERY morning. I can relate.

  35. happy sweet sixteen, sophie! hugs and kisses from nyc!

    (elizabeth, wonderful pictures. cousins are truly the best!)

  36. I am behind & getting caught up with the most recent working backwards.
    I know there are immense struggles, but this post made me weep over the beauty of it all.

  37. happy birthday Sophie. And love to you all. xoxo

  38. Happy birthday amazing Sophie! You have an amazing family. Your breakfast looked delicious. :)

  39. Happy Birthday, Sophie! Thinking of you and hoping you had a peaceful birthday. We think of you a lot when we walk through the Upper West Side near your first home. Love your cousins, Amanda & Ben



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