Here are some statistics from the Centers of Disease Control and the National Institutes for Health. Notice the disparities.
Disease NIH funding Americans Annual
2012 afflicted deaths
(in millions)
Alzheimer's $498 5.4 million 83,000
Epilepsy $153 3.2 million 50,000
Breast Cancer $712 200K* 41,000Parkinson's Disease$151 1 million 15,000
Multiple Sclerosis $121 400K 2,400
**annual new cases on invasive breast cancer equal to annual number of new epilepsy cases
My friend, the writer Christy Shake of calvin's story is working tirelessly on behalf of children with epilepsy and their families. She would love for you to sit up and take notice of the facts outlined above and the dire need for funding to help eradicate this disease that so adversely affects her son Calvin and my daughter Sophie, two among millions who have epilepsy. Donate to cure epilepsy now here.
Wow, that is astonishing. Thank you for putting it that way. Powerful.